Invited Speakers
Dr. Yan Huang |
Dr Yan Huang leads metallic biomaterials and metal matrix composites research at Brunel University London, with interests in structural and biomedical applications. He is a founding member and co-investigator of the UK government EPSRC Future Liquid Metal Engineering HUB where he leads the activities on light alloy processing involving both solidification and plastic deformation. He has extensive experience in process innovation for combined solidification and thermomechanical processing, solid state joining and severe plastic deformation for light alloys and light metal matrix composites. He has long-term interests in the characterization of microstructure and texture evolution during thermomechanical processing and fundamental issues of strengthening, plastic deformation and grain boundary migration. He has published over 100 peer reviewed papers and filed 3 patents with an h-index of 26 and a total of 2690 citations. |
Assoc. Prof. Fosca Conti |
Fosca Conti received her degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Molecular Sciences from the University of Padova, Italy, following undergraduate education in physical chemistry. Her current appointment is Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova. Prof. Conti’s research interests concern developing advanced materials and new chemical processes for renewable energies, from fuel cells and batteries to biomass. She has given talks at major international conferences on engineering, chemistry and materials. She has developed numerous international links, including visiting researchships at University of Freiburg (Germany), Free University of Berlin (Germany), Juelich Forschungszentrum (Germany), and Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Prof. Conti is a member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal Environmental and Climate Technology. She is a member of the academic board of the PhD doctoral program in Molecular Sciences at the University of Padova. She teaches for the bachelor studies in Chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Materials Science, Science and Technology for the Environment, Biotechnology, and Geosciences. She leads the research group Physical chemistry of materials. Prof Conti co-authored one scientific book on fuel cells (Springer) and one didactic book (Cleup) and published over 90 papers in scientific periodicals on the subjects ranging from fullerenes, Nafion, melanin, polymer electrolyte membranes fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, joint metal alloys for microelectronics, to bioenergy from biomass. She has an h-index of 20 and a total of 1280 citations. |